Thursday, December 4, 2008

all over the world

Today some news not directly connected to terrorism:

Friday, November 28, 2008

mumbai terrorist attacks

After the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India it it not sure yet who is responsible for the 150 deaths of American, British and Jewish hostages.

An indian media organisation claimed that they had recieved an email by an islamistic militant group. The existance of this group is questionable however, security experts say. It could easily be faked.

American media now claims that the terrorists are connected to Al-Qaeda and Pakistan though there are obvious evidences that this is not true.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

nude: body scanners

The European Union is currently discussing a new way of security controls on airports: body-scanner.
These scanners would scan a human similar to the way the luggage is scanned -any surgical operation such as breast ablation would be visible.

The Frankfurter Rundschau quotes many different German politicians and explains the positive and negative aspects of this new feature.
The author Volker Schmidt doesn't make a big secret out of his personal opinion.
In the first paragraph of his article he quotes a member of the German liberal party who says that "the pictures are very detailed and equal a virtual striptease." Further he quotes a spokesman of the green party who claims that "the observation vagaries of the EU-Commission are worse than even George Orwell could have imaged.
The author continues to quote only people that do not support this new idea and presents only a few supporting arguments such as higher security and no need of personal contact.
In his commentary he criticizes the operator of the airport in Zurich, Switzerland for supporting a "security method that does not respect the dignity of a human being".
The commentary ends with an explanation why undressing in front of a total stranger gives the airport traveler a feeling of swoon: Even nudists would never undress before a total stranger, especially if they can't see the opponent.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sources & research: other blogs about my topic

Of course there are lots of blogs out there, talking about what I am talking about.

Following I will show some sites, that I visit on a regular base.

Gulli:news is basically a site that collects news about terrorism laws, personal freedom and general IT-issues.
It gives a good overview about news allover the internet.

Legalaffairs is -as the name suggests about new laws in western country that might be passed under suspicious circumstances.

Fefe is a popular blogger in Germany who talks about globalization, news from the European-Union and humorous news about general politics.

An example:

Somali pirates: A helping hand in the global fight against illegal weapon shipments?

Somalian pirates seized a shipment with tanks destinated for Somalia.
The ship was originally believed to be from Ukrania.
Now as most people will now Somalia is under the international UNO weapon embargo.
Therefore this shipment over middlemen from Kenia was totally illegal.

Now should we really fight against those pirates?

As seen on bbc-news

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

terrorism as the legislator

This Blog will focus on the influence of terrorism in western legislative.

Not only since 9/11 but especially since then personal freedom of everyone living in a western country has been abridged or narrowed down.
Torture has been declared a valid method in the fight against terrorism, the Patriot-act declared as an important law in this fight and much more.

This blog will show the international influence of "terrorism" .